Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tank Bus Mail Bag

From time to time The Tank Bus Mail Bag gets an email worth posting. This is a good one from a true and enlightened fan. Enjoy.

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Johnny Tech Fan (real name removed to protect the innocent) and I’m going to party my face off this weekend. I have had a busy week of work and I took last weekend off from the college-juice to recuperate from the storm I drank in for 12 hours in order to beat Miami.

I am signing myself up for that same week of hell in order to beat Boston College. It’s up to me. We all saw the Duke game and how VT plays when I’m not there borderline blacking out while cursing the other team’s mascot to hell. For this, I apologize. I honestly had no idea how directly my blood-alcohol-content influences Hokie points on the scoreboard. Now I know. I will never make that mistake again.

I plan on drinking bourbon again because it worked remarkably well against Miami. So join me, won’t you? It is shaping up to be a magical weekend in Blacksburg, courtesy of the Tankbus.

See you all around 5:30 pm (eastern standard time) tomorrow.



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